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Spokane Authors

Book Reviews

Book Review Form (docx)   Book Review Form (pdf)

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Reviews are in alphabetical order by title, not counting initial a, an, and the.  Multiple reviews of the same book are combined.

We primarily post reviews by SASP members of books by SASP members.

(We also post reviews of members’ books by nonmembers and vice versa.)

Reviews will remain posted as long as either the author or any reviewer of the book is a current or recently current member of Spokane Authors and Self-Publishers


Indicates new or updated Review

16 X MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood

By Barbara Cagle

Reviewed by: D. Andrew McChesney, Shirley Smith-Allen, and Dora Tylock


The Adventurists

By Bob Weldin

Reviewed by: Robert G. Hildahl, Mary E. Trimble, (Amazon Customer) Otto Schoumacer, and D. Andrew McChesney


Alive Alive and other Poems

By Marian Sheafor

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl and Robert G. Hildahl


Angels Three Six  

Confessions of a Cold War Fighter Pilot

By Col. Charles Lehman

Reviewed by: D. Andrew McChesney and James Bartlett Parry


The Ant Doctor

By Nathaniel Bennett

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl, Larry Danek, M. J. Hudon, and D. Andrew McChesney


Ashur’s Tears

By Bill Riley

Reviewed by D. Andrew McChesney


Beyond the Ocean’s Edge

By D. Andrew McChesney

Reviewed by: James Bartlett Parry, Robert G. Hildahl, Sue Eller, Kate Poitevin, and Beth Camp


Bible Nobodies Who Were Somebodies

By Banana Grama

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl


The Big Woods

By Col. Charles Lehman

Reviewed by: Robert G. Hildahl and Esther J. Hildahl


Book All the Teachers

By James Bartlett Parry

Reviewed by: D. Andrew McChesney, Esther J. Hildahl, Sue Eller, and Kate Poitevin

The Bulletproof Witch

By F. J. Blair

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl

The Bulletproof Witch: Curse of the Daemon Beast

By F. J. Blair

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl


The Captured Girl

By Tom Reppert

Reviewed by Robert G. Hildahl


Celebrating Spokane Authors

An Anthology by members of Spokane Authors and Self-Publishers

Reviewed by Larry Danek and Joyce Caudel


The Christmas Pig

By J. K. Rowling

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl


Close Calls: The True Tales of Cougar Bob

By B. J. Campbell

Reviewed by: Robert G. Hildahl, James R. Buchanan, Forrest Burgess, G. T. Rees, Mary E. Trimble and Tiffani Harvey


Coal Wars

By David Bullock

Reviewed by: Bob Weldin



By Linda Sonntag-Noble

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl


Darnahsian Pirates: The Third Stone Island Sea Story

By D. Andrew McChesney

Reviewed by Robert G. Hildahl – A “Beta” Read and Esther J. Hildahl



By Russell H. Ford

Reviewed by D. Andrew McChesney


Drummer Loves Dancer

By Fred Jessett

Reviewed by Beth Camp and Sue Eller


The Dry Diggin’s Club

By Bob Weldin

Reviewed by: Robert G. Hildahl, D. Andrew McChesney, and James Bartlett Parry

By Col. Charles Lehman
Reviewed By Robert G. Hildahl and Fred Jessett

The Far Journey
By Tom Reppert

Reviewed by Robert G. Hildahl

From Ragamuffin to Lovestuffin’
By the Guy Twins
Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl

Full Disclosure
By Helen Christine (Foster)
Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl

Ghostly Reunion
By Larry Danek
Reviewed by Sue Eller and Esther J. Hildahl

The Gluten Free Gourmand

By Sue Eller

Reviewed by: Kate Poitevin


Godforsaken Idaho

By Shawn Vestal

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl


Gray Swallow

By Joan D. Carter

Reviewed By Esther J. Hildahl and M. Kari Barr


Growing Up Alaska

By Niki Breeser Tschirgi (SASP Guest Speaker)

Reviewed by D. Andrew McChesney


A Hat to Die For

By Joyce Caudel

Reviewed by Robert G. Hildahl


The Hat Box Mystery

By Joyce Caudel

Reviewed by Robert G. Hildahl


The Hat Pin Murders

By Joyce Caudel

Reviewed by: Helen Foster, Esther J. Hildahl, and Kate Poitevin


Haunted Murder

By DJ Jewett

Reviewed by Larry Danek


Health Secrets of the Bible

By Sidney Hemmings Moore

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl


How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy

By Orson Scott Card

Reviewed by D. Andrew McChesney


I Walk Faster When I’ve Nowhere to Go

By Robert Pillsbury

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl


I Know Your Secrets, Dad

By Joyce Seebaum

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl


Illusions of Magic

By J. B. Rivard

Reviewed by Johanna Urquhart (Historical Novel Society) and Esther J. Hildahl


I’m The Ghost in This Body: The Nomadic Ghost

By Larry Danek

Reviewed by Sue Eller, D. Andrew McChesney, and Janet Newton

Jakob’s Ladies

By Stan Parks

Reviewed by E. J. Deuber, Robert G. Hildahl, Esther J. Hildahl, and Joyce Caudel


Jakob’s Legacy

By Stan Parks

Reviewed by Robert G. Hildahl


Jed’s World

By Larry Danek and M. J. Hudon

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl


Jody Visits Tooth Fairy Land

By E. J. Deuber, Illustrated by Harry H. Deuber

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl


A Journey to Independence

By Tiffani Harvey

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl


The Lenders

By Helen Christine (Foster)

Reviewed by Robert G. Hildahl, Kate Poitevin, and Esther J. Hildahl


Let’s Share Our Patriotic Thread

By Jerry Garcia

Reviewed by: Elizabeth J. Deuber


Letters from Brackham Wood

By Rita Gard Seedorf & Margaret Albi Verhoff

Reviewed by: Kate Poitevin and D. Andrew McChesney



By Harland Eastwood

Reviewed by: D. Andrew McChesney


The Man in the Closet

By Michael Andrew Marsden

Reviewed by: D. Andrew McChesney


Marie’s Marvelous Tomato

By Esther J. Hildahl

Reviewed by Joyce Caudel and Kate Poitevin


Meadowlark Madness

By Sue Eller

Reviewed by: D. Andrew McChesney, Esther J. Hildahl, Kate Poitevin, Beth Camp, Joyce Caudel, and Joyce Seebaum


Meadow Pond

By Esther J. Hildahl

Reviewed by James Bartlett Parry, Kate Poitevin, and Sandra Mason


The Mermaid Quilt and Other Tales
By Beth Camp

Reviewed by: Sue Eller


Mothers Don’t Die    

By Beth Camp

Reviewed by Sandra Mason


Mountain Secrets

By Joyce Nowacki

Reviewed By: Bob Weldin


Mr. Inky: Spider with an Attitude

By Esther J. Hildahl

Reviewed by: Kate Poitevin, Sue Eller, Joyce Caudel, D. Andrew McChesney, and Northern Dawn Awards


Murder at Manito

By Chris Bieker

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl


My First 90 Years

By Hap Murphy

Reviewed by: Bob Weldin and Robert G. Hildahl


My Name Is Tamar

By Fred Jessett

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl



By Wayne Kyle Spitzer

Reviewed by Sue Eller


Nearing the Shoreline

By Stephen Parker Combs

Reviewed by Esther Hildahl


Once Again: Tales of Destiny

By M. Kari Barr

Reviewed by E. J. (Betty) Deuber


The One and Only Ivan

By Katherine Applegate

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl


Out of Hitler’s Shadow

By Roderick Stackelberg

Reviewed by:  D. Andrew McChesney


Out of the Sand

By K. M. Carter

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl


A Pallette of Verse

By Stephen Lalonde

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl


Pioneer Ghost

By Larry Danek

Reviewed by D. Andrew McChesney and Esther J. Hildahl


Poopie the Fly and Friends

By Esther J. Hildahl

Reviewed by Rhonda Cordes and Linda Sonntag-Noble


Return from Armageddon

By Sue Eller

Reviewed by: D. Andrew McChesney, Kate Poitevin, and Beth Camp


Rivers of Stone

By Beth Camp

Reviewed by Sue Eller, Betty Deuber, and D. Andrew McChesney


The Road Chosen

By T. A. Bratcher

Reviewed by: Esther J. Hildahl, Kate Poitevin, Sue Eller, and Robert G. Hildahl

Rogue 6

By Col. Charles Lehman

Reviewed by Sue Eller


Runaway Ghost

By Larry Danek

Reviewed by: Robert G. Hildahl


Sailing Dangerous Waters

By D. Andrew McChesney

Reviewed by: Kate Poitevin, Sue Eller, Esther J. Hildahl, and Elena Smith


The Sanctamooja and Me

By Melvin Brown

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl

Santa’s Heroes

By Bob Manion

Reviewed by: D. Andrew McChesney and Kate Poitevin


The Sasquatch Hunter’s Almanac

By Sharma Shields

Reviewed By Esther J. Hildahl


Saving Tir Gaeltacht

By Kate Poitevin

Reviewed by: Esther J. Hildahl, Sue Eller, James Parry, D. Andrew McChesney, and Robert G. Hildahl


Selected Poems of Langston Hughes

By Langston Hughes

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl


Send In the Drones

By Sue Eller

Reviewed by Joyce Caudel, Esther J. Hildahl, and Fred Jessett


Sinon of Kirra

By Stephen D. Lalonde

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl and Sue Eller


Spies, Lies & Psychosis

By Joan Kopczynski

Reviewed by Beth Camp


Springer’s Heart

By Bob Manion

Reviewed by Joyce Caudel and Jim Harris


Standing Stones

By Beth Camp

Reviewed by: Kate Poitevin and Robert G. Hildahl


Still Point

By Patricia Campbell Kowal

Reviewed by: Dave McChesney and James Bartlett Parry

Summer Rain

By Bob Manion

Reviewed by D. Andrew McChesney


Tails: Curious Stories of the Human-Animal Bond

By Robert Slack DVM

Reviewed by D. Andrew McChesney


Taming of the T-Bird

By Sue Eller

Reviewed by: D. Andrew McChesney, Robert G. Hildahl, James Bartlett Parry, and Larry Danek


Those Navy Guys and Their PBY’s 

By Elmer Freeman

Reviewed by:  D. Andrew McChesney


III Minutes To XII: The Last Secrets of the Bible

By Ed Des Autel

Reviewed by: D. Andrew McChesney


Truths and Lies

By Elena S. Smith

Reviewed by Emma Megan, Mikel Stevenson, and Esther J. Hildahl


Vampire & the Cop

By Bob Manion

Reviewed by Joyce Caudel


Velvet Petals on my Heel

By Mary Anne De Bord

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildhahl


Walking Sticks… Wanderings and Wonderings

By Joyce Wilkens

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl


Warnings Unheeded: Twin Tragedies at Fairchild Air Force Base

By Andy Brown

Reviewed by James Bartlett Parry and Kate Poitevin

Waxing Is Useless

By M. J. Hudon

Reviewed by James Bartlett Parry, Sue Eller, and Esther J. Hildahl


White King and the Seat at the Table

By Lee Kessler

Reviewed by Esther J. Hildahl


Years of Stone

By Beth Camp

Reviewed by: Kate Poitevin and Esther J. Hildahl



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