Spokane Authors and Self-Publishers

Membership application and SASP Listed Speaker Forms



 (Copy, print, complete, and mail to Spokane Authors and Self-Publishers, P. O. Box 18573, Spokane, WA 99228-0573.  Alternately, e-mail completed form to SASP Secretary/Web-Master at daveeva@comcast.net or to authors@spokaneauthors.org


Member Web-Page Information


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Spokane Authors and Self-Publishers

Membership Form & Contact Information


Date _____________________


Dues payment of $_____._____ included _____ not included _____

(Dues are $15.00 per year, beginning in January and are pro-rated for those joining during the course of the year.  Contact SASP Secretary/Web-Master at daveeva@comcast.net for possible dues discounts)


New member ____ Guest ____ Current member updating information ____


Name __________________________________________


Address 1 _______________________________________


Address 2 _______________________________________


City/State/Zip _________________, _______   _____­_____


Phone #1 (______) ______ -- ________


Phone #2 (______) ______ -- ________


E-mail ___________________@_____________________


Web-site ________________________________________


Alt web-site ______________________________________


(May we provide a link to your site?  YES____ NO____)


Contact information is generally not published on the SASP web-site or in SASP NEWS.  It is shared amongst the Board of Directors and the Advisory Board for the sole purpose of conducting the organization’s business.  Group wide e-mails are sent “BCC.”  Contact information for SASP Officers, Advisory Board members, and those on the SASP speakers list is provided to the public as required.

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Spokane Authors and Self-Publishers Listed Speaker

(You must be a member of Spokane Authors and Self-Publishers to be included)

Fill out and return to SASP Secretary/Web-Master at daveeva@comcast.net

or mail to

Spokane Authors and Self-Publishers

P. O. Box 18573

Spokane, WA, 99228-0573



Name: _____________________________________________


Contact: ___________________________________________


Will speak to: _______________________________________




On (subjects): ______________________________________




For (fees, etc.):______________________________________


Notes: ____________________________________________






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Spokane Authors & Self-Publishers

Page revised 06/30/2018 DAM

©2014 www.spokaneauthors.org