Mount Rushmore on a sunny day



President’s Page


Information about our most recent meetings is available via a link on the “Welcome” page.  (To the left)

Visit the “Programs” page (to the left) to learn about our next meeting and other writer related events.




          IT'S JULY!

          My how time flies. However, in my house when time flies it's, more often than not, the alarm clock. But as usual, I digress.

          At our last meeting we had 29 members in attendance and room for more! Hopefully the sound system is getting looked at, so it doesn't cut out again. But we heard some great stories and there are more this month.A person in a green shirt

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          As far as I know there is no speaker this month unless our VP has found one. We do have speakers lined up for August and September. Both will be speaking on marketing, so we should get a wide range of info.

          October and November are up for grabs if anyone knows someone who would like to regale us with knowledge. Also...craft sale season is coming up, please bring any and all info on upcoming events that you may have.

          Looking forward to seeing 100 smiling faces on the 12th. We should be able to get pretty close to that number if everyone brings a small mirror.



The Prez.

Author of The Ant Doctor

and three other books that will be out soon.




A close-up of a person smiling

Description automatically generated          Can you believe the year is half over?  It seems the year just got started and here it is July.  We have a project under discussion, and I believe we all should have a say in it.  The Catalog for our writers group.  What comes to mind is the word Professionalism: professional character, spirit, methods, a standing practice to do and present the best we can.  Professionalism applies to all our projects and at this time: The Spokane Authors Catalog. Professionalism is calling and we will produce the best catalog of our writing efforts.

          So far, I have received feedback from Dave, Sue and Beth.  All good ideas, but like good ideas they can be made better.  The adage an Elephant is a horse designed by a committee is something to avoid.  But a group can design and produce an excellent, professional product.  That group is made up of our members.  Each member has ideas that a small core can pick from to make our catalog the best it can be.

          The catalog will represent us.  We are a group of talented writers who want our product to show the public just how good and talented we are.  I ask you to come to our July meeting and all our meetings, with an open mind and ideas.


Critical Points:

           Appearance; size, color, binding,

          Number and size of each page’s content of publications

          Book ad content and limitations

          Overall cost for production.

          How we are going to pay for the production.

          For each book ad.

          Cost per copy and preorders.

          Number of copies to be printed.

          Format: page, actual ad for book

          Information: e.g. ISBN, e-book, bookstore availability, etc.

          Content: Front Cover, brief on story, brief on author (bio) Limitations. Size   of ad.

          Advertising, e.g. signings, lectures, classes and distribution, other than          ours.???  i.e. Gray Dog Press, et al.


          Should the Spokane Authors pay the initial cost of production and thereby own any revenues? There are questions about should SA own the copyright and only the membership authorize more copies to be printed? There are questions yet to be asked, July is our opportunity to make our history known to all. From this project we may receive requests for speaking engagements. The World is open to us and this is our opportunity to take advantage – now.


Bob Manion

The Veep  





A person with glasses and a black coat

Description automatically generated          Since our June meetings it seems my get up and go has got up and left.  Whatever level of ambition I had has disappeared and I find myself struggling to must enough energy and drive to put this issue of the newsletter together.  As I write this on Independence Day, I had originally hoped to have had this out to you over the previous weekend.  Now I hope to have it ready to go out Friday, tomorrow, or possibly Saturday.  Still, that should get it to you a few days before our first meeting of July.

          We have a couple of projects in the works.  One is a catalog listing all members’ books that we can share with other writing groups and the public in general.  The other is to compile a second anthology.  While we want to complete both in a timely manner, we should also have enough restraint to take our time and produce quality products.  We should also note that the catalog will need revision on a regular basis.  We’ll have new members joining who have books to be included, current members publishing new books that can be added, and there will be those who allow membership to expire, which will necessitate removing their books from the catalog.  Perhaps revisions could be done on a yearly basis.

          Not long after last month’s issue, featuring Joan Kopczynski’s book on the cover, I got word that an earlier book of hers had been republished.  Her member web-page has been updated to reflect that, and coincidentally we have a review of if in this issue.  This month we have a number of books from Stephen Lalonde to fill up our cover.

Text, letter

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A close-up of a logo

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Spokane Authors

Page revised 07/08/2024 DAM
